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Webinar: Water & Sanitation through a Gender Lens: Reinforcing Commitments in OGP Action Plans

This event has already occurred. Watch the recording here.

About the Webinar:

How can open government action be used to accelerate reforms that help the country meet their national water, sanitation, and hygiene priorities addressing the needs of women and girls? This webinar highlighted how the Open Government Partnership (OGP) can strengthen action through gendered water commitments. We outlined OGP’s current initiative around gender and share the building blocks for a gendered OGP commitment. On-the-ground practitioners highlight water issues, and how they affect women and children in the age of climate change, epidemics and pandemics.

In the webinar, participants had the opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities in integrating water, gender and open government priorities into the action plans and co-creation process. We looked at gendered water commitments based on their country’s water priorities and identify how they can deepen the connection to the co-creation process of the action plans.


  • Barbara Schreiner, Water Integrity Network (WIN)
  • Allison Merchant, Senior Gender Advisor, Open Government Partnership (OGP)
  • Kanika Thakar, Gender Focal Point, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
  • Carla Flores, Cartocritica, Mexico

This webinar is a continuation of a series of webinars exploring water and open government strategies for achieving country water and sanitation priorities through the Open Government Partnership. Learn more about the first webinar here.

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Photo Credit: Shahab Naseri, Water Integrity Network 2019 Photo Competition

Open Government Partnership