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Indonesia Action Plan Review 2022-2024

Indonesia’s seventh action plan includes promising commitments on open contracting, access to justice, and combatting sexual violence. The implementation period offers an opportunity for targeted efforts to strengthen high-level government investment in open government reforms, and ownership from implementing agencies.…

Albania Results Report 2020-2022

Albania’s fifth action plan resulted in integrity plans at line ministries and a beneficial ownership register. Engagement between government and civil society was limited during co-creation and implementation. However, the creation of an OGP multistakeholder forum places Albania in a…

Côte d’Ivoire Action Plan Review 2022-2024

Côte d’Ivoire’s fourth action plan continues reforms such as budget transparency, asset declaration, and the fight against corruption. It introduces aims to increase citizen participation in decision-making around inflation and land ownership, as well as greater accountability in public service.…

Background: Partnership for Democracy and Accountability

With the support of the European Union, through the Partnership for Democracy and Accountability (PDA), OGP will actively support governments and civil society in 7 OGP member countries to advance inclusive co-creation and implementation of policy reforms through innovative open government approaches and peer support. This support will be focused in Colombia, Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria and the Philippines....

Open Government Partnership