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North Macedonia Action Plan 2021-2023

North Macedonia is currently implementing 11 commitments from their 2021-2023 action plan. This action plan features commitments related to anti-corruption, access to justice, public service delivery, open justice, open parliament, public procurement, beneficial ownership, access to information, open data, environment…


2021 IRM Week Infographics

To contribute to reflections on the 10 year anniversary of OGP and leading up to the 7th OGP Global Summit hosted by the Republic of Korea, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) is sharing four key learning from recent findings of…

Action plan – Regueb, Tunisia, 2021 – 2023

Overview At-a-Glance Action Plan: Action plan - Regueb, Tunisia, 2021 - 2023 Action Plan Submission: 2021 Action Plan End: April 2023 Lead Institution: Mayor's Office, Technical department, Committee on Participatory Democracy and Open Governance Description Duration April 2023 Date Submitted…

Open Government Partnership