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Sierra Leone Action Plan Review 2021-2023

This product consists of an IRM review of the Sierra Leone 2021–2023 action plan. The action plan is made up of four commitments. This review emphasizes its analysis on the strength of the action plan to contribute to implementation and…

Estonia Action Plan Review 2022-2024

This product consists of an IRM review of the Estonia 2022–2024 action plan. The action plan comprises five activities that the government has clustered into two commitments. This review emphasizes its analysis on the strength of the action plan to…

Working Paper: Multilateralism, Models, Membership, and Messiness

Is OGP More Successful at Getting Change Than Other International Initiatives?   By Chathan Raj with Joseph Foti How do multilateral initiatives compare in terms of generating reform? How does the Open Government Partnership (OGP) compare? And should it be…

Open Government Partnership