Montenegro Transitional Results Report 2018-2021 – For Public Comment
In 2022, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Transitional Results Report for Montenegro's second action plan (2018-2021). The report covers the level of completion and the results of the action plan. The version of the report for public comment…
The Skeptic’s Guide to Open Government – 2022 Edition
Evidence continues to show that open government affects people’s lives. But there are still skeptics who are not aware of all the benefits associated with this approach. Use this guide to convince them to take an open government approach when implementing reforms.
Grievance Redress Mechanisms in the Public Sector: A Literature Review
Discover evidence on grievance redress mechanisms from around the world, including mechanisms attached to public services and programs in the Global South, where they are relatively new and emerging fast.
Social Audits in Service Delivery: An Annotated Bibliography
Explore research and empirical evidence from the last fifteen years on how social audits work and their main benefits.
State of the Evidence: Open Contracting
Explore empirical evidence on the effects of open contracting on a range of outcomes, including cost savings and efficiency, reducing corruption, improving service delivery, and increasing social inclusion.
(When) Do Open Budgets Transform Lives? Progress and Next Steps in Fiscal Openness Research
As the field of fiscal openness evolves and grows interest, explore the state of research on its impacts and how it shapes the debate on its future directions.
The Benefits of Access to Justice for Economies, Societies, and the Social Contract: A Literature Review
Explore the benefits of access to justice, including the impacts of improved and expanded provision of justice services—both formal and informal—on economies, societies, and the social contract.