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OGP Local: New Plans, New Commitments

OGP Local is now more flexible, sustainable, inclusive and innovative than ever before. Since welcoming 56 new local members in...

Rakesh Rajani at the 2019 OGP Global Summit

Faces of Open Government: Rakesh Rajani

As OGP celebrates its 10th anniversary, we sat down with Rakesh Rajani, an open gov advocate who has been involved with OGP since its inception.

10 lessons over 10 years

10 Lessons from 10 Years of OGP

OGP Deputy CEO Joe Powell shares reflections on how OGP’s experience can inform some of the most critical policy debates facing the world today.


Help Us Finalize the OGP Co-Creation and Participation Standards

The current Participation and Co-creation Standards were introduced in 2016 to improve the   requirements for participation and quality of public consultations, and provide guidance on the ongoing dialogue between government and civil society throughout the OGP action plan cycle.…

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Making Algorithms Accountable to Citizens

At RightsCon 2021, government officials and civil society organizations, including members of the Open Algorithms Network, discussed their experience implementing algorithm transparency ...

Jus Lab Meeting

Hacking Judicial Language for Open Justice

In Argentina, like elsewhere in the world, accessing justice and understanding the judicial language is highly complex, so many people cannot comprehend the judicial processes that affect them or their rights...

Open Government Partnership