How Open Government Helps Countries Withstand COVID-19
COVID-19 disrupted the globe in unprecedented ways, forcing people and organizations in all corners of the world to adjust to a new reality. OGP was no exception.
COVID-19 disrupted the globe in unprecedented ways, forcing people and organizations in all corners of the world to adjust to a new reality. OGP was no exception.
On paper, the Western Balkans have some of the most progressive Freedom of Information (FOI) laws in Europe. All OGP members in the region...
Justice has become one of the most popular policy areas across the Partnership and the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) has found many of these commitments to be highly impactful.
Ines Pousadela is a researcher for OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) and is a Senior Research Specialist at CIVICUS.
Inés Pousadela es investigadora del Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente (IRM por sus siglas en inglés) de OGP y especialista...
Since 2015, INAI has been promoting its co-creation strategy, working to gradually pave the way...
El INAI desde 2015 impulsa la Estrategia de cocreación desde lo local con el objetivo de cimentar paulatinamente...
Since its creation in 2011, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) has successfully promoted open government reforms in 78 countries. Of these...
Desde que se creó en 2011, la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP por sus siglas en inglés) ha promovido reformas de...
Building on its experience supporting the co-creation of Costa Rica’s most recent action plan, which was supported by ...
La organización ACCESA elaboró una Guía para procesos de formulación de planes de acción de gobierno abierto, a partir de su experiencia...
Learn about the transparent, elaborate and highly competitive selection process for the Civil Society Steering Committee.
Descubre el proceso de selección de los nuevos miembros del Comité Directivo de sociedad civil de OGP.
OGP Local is now more flexible, sustainable, inclusive and innovative than ever before. Since welcoming 56 new local members in...
Hoy, OGP Local es más flexible, sostenible, incluyente e innovador que nunca. Desde la incorporación de 56 miembros nuevos en 2020, hemos recibido 30 nuevos planes de acción que incluyen más de 100 compromisos. Debido a la pandemia del COVID-19,…
As OGP celebrates its 10th anniversary, we sat down with Rakesh Rajani, an open gov advocate who has been involved with OGP since its inception.
OGP está celebrando su décimo aniversario y en ese contexto platicamos con Rakesh Rajani, impulsor del gobierno abierto que ha colaborado con OGP desde su creación.
Alors que le PGO célèbre son 10e anniversaire, nous avons rencontré Rakesh Rajani, un défenseur du gouvernement ouvert qui est impliqué dans le PGO depuis sa création.
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