Open Gov Challenge: Armenia
Learn more about Armenia's Open Gov Challenge commitment on digital gift declarations for public officials.
Learn more about Armenia's Open Gov Challenge commitment on digital gift declarations for public officials.
Learn more about Guatemala's Open Gov Challenge commitment on combatting gender-based violence.
Learn more about Chile's Open Gov Challenge commitment on its anti-corruption strategy.
It has been a turbulent few months around the world as youth-led protests have roiled countries as diverse as Bangladesh, Kenya, and Nigeria. Much of the analysis of these protests has focused on the perceived and inter-related causes, which include…
OGP members need to address concerns around high-risk professional services. This is a necessary complement to the tremendous strides taken by members around issues of fiscal openness, beneficial ownership, and open contracting.
Grand corruption often crosses boundaries, relies on complex legal structures to achieve secrecy, and thrives in undemocratic spaces. However, those committing grand corruption would not be able to thrive if they did not have access to the markets of world’s democracies. This is where OGP can help.
As part of its OGP action plan in 2022, the government of the state of Quintana Roo, CxT, and UnidosMX co-created and implemented a protocol to integrate youth into political life and government decision-making.
Como parte del plan de acción OGP, el gobierno del estado de Quintana Roo CxT y UnidosMX co creamos e implementamos en 2022 un protocolo para integrar a las juventudes en la vida política y en la toma de decisiones gubernamentales.
Democracies are strengthened by providing members of the public regular opportunities to shape decisions, which they can only do if given the regular opportunities to participate in a manner that is taken seriously. This blog covers initiatives to mainstream participation in governance practices.
Paul-Joël Kamtchang is a data journalist from Cameroon and is the Executive Secretary of ADISI-Cameroon. On African Anti-Corruption Day, he offers insights on how open data enhances transparency and accountability in Central Africa’s governance and discusses the role of data journalism in uncovering corruption.
Public participation is critical for building diverse voices into the governance of digital technologies, ensuring that they are trusted and governed in the interests of everyone. This blog will cover five participatory approaches being used in the complex field of digital governance.
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