Launching the OGP 2023-2028 Strategy: A Letter From the OGP Co-Chairs
We are proud to be the current lead co-chairs of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and are honored to launch OGP’s Strategy 2023-2028. We would like to...
We are proud to be the current lead co-chairs of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and are honored to launch OGP’s Strategy 2023-2028. We would like to...
The 2023 Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit is less than five months away! Here are four exciting and important updates you should know before then.
Read how the 2021 OGP Local Accelerator Awards, supported civil society organizations and local governments in collaboration to carry out reforms and deliver public services.
Joara Marchezini is a specialist on access to information and the Public’s Representative to the Escazu Agreement. Joara, originally from Brazil, sat down with OGP to...
Joara Marchezini es especialista en acceso a la información y Representante del Público del Acuerdo de Escazú. Joara, originaria de Brasil, conversó con OGP para...
The state of Adamawa in Nigeria identified the existing gaps in governance as one of the causes of insecurity. It adopted open governance principles to bring the government closer to its citizens and curb service delivery deficits. Following the example…
As you think about where your tax payers‘ money go, spare a thought whether you have a say in it. One of the ways to do so is participatory budgeting. For over thirty years now, participatory budgeting has been used…
See how Diana Rodriguez Franco is working to close the gender gap in Bogota and make the local government more inclusive and participatory.
Vea cómo Diana Rodríguez Franco está trabajando para cerrar la brecha de género en Bogotá y hacer que el gobierno local sea más inclusivo y participativo.
Civil society plays an essential role in democratic societies, leading to more ambition, stronger policies, and better results. See five important insights from a Democratic Freedoms Learning Network webinar on the importance of civic space.
The process of designing the 2023 OGP Global Summit program will look different from previous OGP events, with a range of opportunities for community input.
In this blog series, we highlight the experiences of several open parliaments around the world. These are institutions that foster transparency, participation, and accountability throughout the legislative process. The Legislature of the Córdoba Province in Argentina is a unicameral legislative…
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