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Five Lessons for Civil Society Collaboration

Civil society plays an essential role in democratic societies, leading to more ambition, stronger policies, and better results. See five important insights from a Democratic Freedoms Learning Network webinar on the importance of civic space.


Designing the 2023 OGP Global Summit

The process of designing the 2023 OGP Global Summit program will look different from previous OGP events, with a range of opportunities for community input.

magic hand

Open Data Euskadi: Five Lessons in 12 Years Opening Data

In April 2010, the Government of Euskadi (Basque Country) Spain launched an open data initiative called Open Data Euskadi. It soon became a reference for many public administrations that were beginning to consider opening their data. Since then a lot…

2023 Civil Society Steering Committee Selection

Updated June 26, 2023 Results of the 2023 Civil Society Selection A call for candidates to fill four Civil Society Steering Committee seats was launched in February 2023 as the terms of Aidan Eyakuze, Blair Glencorse, Lysa John and Steph…


OGP Local Circle on 2030 Agenda and SDGs

OGP Local Circle - 2030 Agenda and SDGs About  The OGP Local Circle on the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a community of practice that gathers local and national governments, civil society, and other organizations working to…

Open Government Partnership