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Policy Areas

OGP participating governments advance a variety of policy areas through their action plans. The OGP Support Unit reviews and tags every commitment for its relevant policy areas and sectors. The policy areas listed below are not exhaustive of all potential areas for open government reforms. Rather, these policy areas are selected for analysis based on a number of factors, including popular topics addressed across action plans and OGP strategic documents. The Support Unit conducts an annual review of the list of policy areas used for tagging and analysis purposes. We welcome feedback or suggestions, which can be sent to

Access to Justice

Accessible justice systems – both formal and informal – ensure that individuals and communities with legal needs know where to go for help, obtain the help they need, and move through a system that offers procedural, substantive, and expeditious justice.…


More and better information about aid helps partner countries and donor institutions plan and manage aid resources more effectively, parliaments and civil society to hold governments accountable for their use of aid resources, and domestic taxpayers to see where their…

Anti-Corruption Institutions

Government agencies like anti-corruption commissions and ombudsman offices are key actors in advancing laws and policies related to anti-corruption. Technical specifications: Commitments of this type affect or reform the anti-corruption institutional and legal framework. These may include anti-corruption laws, anti-corruption…

Anti-Corruption Strategies

The development and implementation of government-wide anti-corruption strategies allows for the integration of diverse anti-corruption reforms in a comprehensive and efficient manner. Technical specifications: Commitments that involve developing, implementing, or strengthening a whole-of-government anti-corruption strategy or roadmap. Also covers integrity…

Asset Disclosure

Asset declaration laws are an essential safeguard against corruption that require public servants to disclose information on their wealth, possessions, and other interests. Technical specifications: Address public officials disclosing income, assets, and liabilities and related systems of oversight and enforcement.…


Institutional and legal frameworks are necessary for providing assurance of the integrity of financial information and of compliance with budgetary rules and procedure. Technical specifications: These include internal and external audit functions to monitor and assess both financial and non-financial…

Automated Decision-Making

As governments are increasingly turning to algorithms to support decision-making for public services, transparency and accountability of algorithm use is necessary to minimize their harm and increase trust in government. Technical specifications: Commitments related to the openness of automated decision-support…

Beneficial Ownership

Disclosing beneficial owners — those who ultimately control or profit from a business — is essential for combating corruption, stemming illicit financial flows, and fighting tax evasion. Technical specifications: Policies, activities and measures related to increased transparency and accountability of…

Capacity Building

Enhancing the skills, abilities, and processes of public servants, civil society, and citizens is essential to achieving long-lasting results in opening government. Technical specifications: Set of activities to enhance the skills, competencies, abilities, understanding, systems, processes, and institutional infrastructure of…

Citizenship and Immigration

Transparent citizenship and immigration services allow the public to hold government agencies accountable and call for action on consequential policy decisions.  Technical specifications: Cover citizenship and immigration related public services such as issuing passports, visas, etc.

Open Government Partnership