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Policy Areas

OGP participating governments advance a variety of policy areas through their action plans. The OGP Support Unit reviews and tags every commitment for its relevant policy areas and sectors. The policy areas listed below are not exhaustive of all potential areas for open government reforms. Rather, these policy areas are selected for analysis based on a number of factors, including popular topics addressed across action plans and OGP strategic documents. The Support Unit conducts an annual review of the list of policy areas used for tagging and analysis purposes. We welcome feedback or suggestions, which can be sent to


Lobbying transparency allows the public to ensure that there is diversity of participation and contribution to public decision-making. Technical specifications: Policies and actions affecting lobbying, i.e. any direct or indirect communication with a public official that is made, managed or…

Mainstreaming Participation

Institutionalizing opportunities for public participation in decision-making enhances government capacity for continuous and meaningful engagement with the public, ensuring that participatory processes become an integral and sustained aspect of governance, distinct from one-off opportunities. Technical specifications: Refers to the institutionalization…

Media and Telecommunications

A free, independent, and plural media can provide a crucial check on abuse of power and corruption, enable informed public debate on critical issues, and provide public recognition to all sectors of society. Technical specifications: Covers the media and telecommunications…

Online Civic Space

As online spaces for participation become increasingly popular, governments must work to ensure protection of basic rights — including the freedoms of expression, assembly, and association — in the digital world. Technical specifications: Pertains to the protection of basic civil…

Open Contracting

A transparent procurement process, known as open contracting, increases competition, improves public service delivery, and ensures governments better value for their money. Technical specifications: Commitments that contribute to openness at any stage of the contracting process including designing systems, engaging…

Open Data

By opening up data and making it sharable and reusable, governments can enable informed debate, better decision making, and the development of innovative new services. Technical specifications: Policies, technologies, processes that enable the free use, reuse, and redistribution of government…

Open Justice

An open, independent, and impartial justice system serves as a foundation for better access to justice by fulfilling all people’s civil liberties and allowing individuals to more effectively protect their rights. Technical specifications: Commitments that apply transparency, civic participation, and…

Open Parliament

Ensuring access to legislative information and creating mechanisms for public participation are critical to building an open, trusting relationship with citizens. Technical specifications: Commitments that aim to make legislative bodies more transparent and participatory in their operations and decision-making processes.…

Open Parliament Plan

Many parliaments have engaged in the OGP process by co-creating and implementing their own open parliament plans, alongside the typical OGP national action plans. Technical specifications: indicates that commitment is part of a separately created open parliament plan, not part…

Oversight of Budget/Fiscal Policies

An essential part of fiscal openness is ensuring strong, independent formal oversight institutions. Technical specifications: All activities of the legislature in approving, monitoring and reviewing the budget and fiscal reports, all activities of the Supreme Audit Institution, and also of…

Open Government Partnership