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Eastern Partnership

The Business Imperative for Open Contracting

This blog is based on OGP CEO Sanjay Pradhan’s remarks at the European Conference of International Association for Contract & Commercial Management (IACCM), Krakow A Story from Ukraine - ProZorro & DoZorro I want to talk to you about how…

OGP Global Summit: Contribute to the Agenda

We are pleased to announce that registration and the call for proposals have opened for the 5th OGP Global Summit to be held in Tbilisi, Georgia on July 17-19, 2018. Representatives from more than seventy countries are expected to attend…

El 2018 será un gran año para Georgia

En 2016, los gobiernos y organizaciones de la sociedad civil eligieron a Georgia para fungir como copresidente de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP por sus siglas en inglés), lo cual es para nosotros un gran honor y responsabilidad.…

2018 will be a big year for Georgia!

  This post originally appeared on Thea Tsulukiani’s blog. In 2016, partner governments and civil society organizations elected Georgia to serve as the Co-Chair of Open Government Partnership (OGP) – granting a great honor and responsibility. Starting from October 2017,…

OGP Global Summit 2018: Tbilisi

As lead co-chair of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), Georgia hosted the 5th OGP Global Summit in Tbilisi, Georgia, from July 17-19, 2018. More than 2,200 attendees from 115 countries attended including government officials, civil society members, and representatives from multilateral institutions, private sector, academia,…

Open Government Partnership