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Eastern Partnership


Open Government in the Rural Areas of Azerbaijan

  We are happy to announce that nongovernmental organization “Umid” Support to Social Development Public Union (UMID)’s “Initiative for the ‘Promotion of Open Government’ at Local Level”, was approved by the Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) and will be implemented within…

Ukraine opened up its beneficial ownership data: why it matters and how your country can be next

On May 22, Ukraine signed up to become the first country to integrate its national central register of beneficial ownership with the OpenOwnership Register. This means that Ukraine’s beneficial ownership data will be automatically available on the OpenOwnership Register, which…

Transparency on beneficial ownership is essential for good governance and reforms

Ukraine is one of the largest producers of gas in Europe – in 2016, we produced more than 20 billion cubic meters (BCM) of gas. The biggest share of this production belongs to the state, through the state gas production…

Open Government Partnership