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Eastern Partnership

Featured Commitment – Moldova

Country: Moldova Commitment: Raising awareness of "open data by default" among civil servants National Action Plan: 2014-2015 How is a humble OGP commitment affecting the 2016 presidential race in Moldova? Since it joined in 2012, Moldova has used its OGP…

De la participación a la co-creación

A finales de 2013, con el espíritu navideño, en el Ministerio de Justicia de la República de Georgia nos preparábamos para las vacaciones y retomar el trabajo después del año nuevo. Nuestros planes cambiaron cuando llegó el primer informe de…

From engagement to co-creation

Towards the end of 2013, the Christmas spirit was in the air, and we at the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) of the Republic of Georgia were preparing to put our work on hold until after the New Year. The plan…

Open Government Partnership