Francophone Africa

Connecting the Open Government Dots in Morocco
Conectando los puntos del gobierno abierto en Marruecos
Learn how reformers in Morocco are advancing the open government agenda on three fronts: at the national level, local level, and through the Parliament.
Descubre los reformadores en Marruecos están impulsando la agenda de gobierno abierto en tres frentes: a nivel nacional, a nivel local y a través del Parlamento.

Lessons from Reformers: Burkina Faso Works to Meet the EITI Standard
Read how reformers in Burkina Faso are strengthening mining sector governance through EITI.

Fighting COVID-19 in Morocco through Open Innovations: Open Response + Open Recovery
In Morocco, the pandemic has encouraged civil society, academia, government institutions, and the private sector to work together to find innovative, sustainable, and efficient ways to tackle COVID-19.
![[Crop 8]-What’s-in-2019-APs-Cover-Illustration](
Featured Commitment: Complaint Registration and Processing Mechanism
Compromiso destacado: mecanismo de registro y procesamiento de quejas
Engagement en vedette: mécanisme d'enregistrement et de traitement des plaintes
Read how Burkina Faso is working to improve delivery of public services through a complaint recording and processing system. "What's in the 2019 Action Plans" publication.
Lea cómo Burkina Faso está trabajando para mejorar la prestación de servicios públicos a través de un sistema de registro y procesamiento de quejas. Este compromiso aparece en la publicación " Qué hay en los planes de acción de 2019".
Découvrez comment le Burkina Faso travaille pour améliorer la prestation des services publics grâce à un système d'enregistrement et de traitement des plaintes. Cet engagement est présenté dans la publication « Contenu des plans d'action 2019 ».
Côte d’Ivoire End-of-Term Report 2016-2018
Table 1: At a Glance Mid-term End of term Number of Commitments 15 Level of Completion Completed 5 4 Substantial 4 4 Limited 5 7 Not Started 1 0 Number of Commitments with… Clear Relevance to OGP Values 10 10…
Tunisia End-of-Term Report 2016-2018
The Tunisian Second Action Plan faced implementation challenges due to resource constraints and unclear cross-government coordination in some cases. The creation of Authority of Access to Information (AAI) was a key milestone and a major step in improving government practice…
Tunisia End-of-Term Report 2016-2018 – For Public Comment
In 2020, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the end of term report for Tunisia's second action plan. The report covers the period of implementation of the action plan. The IRM researcher for Tunisia, Emir Sfaxi, summarizes the findings below:… Countering COVID-19 with Open Innovation Innovación abierta en la lucha contra el COVID-19 : Faire face à la COVID-19 grâce à l'innovation ouverte
A time of crisis can shine a spotlight on the quality of services offered by governments. As is the case during the COVID-19 pandemic, some governments are faced with unprecedented challenges that are hard to address due to unpreparedness and…
Los tiempos de crisis tienden a descubrir la calidad de los servicios que ofrecen los gobiernos. Tal es el caso de la pandemia del COVID-19: algunos gobiernos están enfrentando retos sin precedentes debido a la falta de preparación y la…
Une période de crise peut mettre en lumière la qualité des services offerts par les gouvernements. C’est le cas durant la période de la pandémie de COVID-19, où certains gouvernements ont été confrontés à des défis sans précédent, difficiles à…