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Latin America

Colombia – LegalApp #1 – Credit-Ministerio de Justicia y del Derecho, Colombia

Making Justice Work For You

To deal with a justice system that was complicated, Colombia’s Ministry of Justice developed the mobile application LegalApp, providing free legal knowledge and access to its public, presented in accessible language.

Mexico – Public Care Services – Credit- Matthias Zomer via Pexels

Win-Win: How Improving Public Care Empowers Women

Mexico has conducted a pilot project that highlights the shortcomings of the public care system and how the burden of making up for them falls disproportionately on women. By listening to those most affected, concrete solutions and public policy recommendations are offered to improve care and alleviate gender inequality.

Ecuador Design Report 2019-2021

The design of Ecuador’s action plan resulted in significant lessons learned, and overall progress in terms of open government. Through collaborative work at the multi-stakeholder forum, 10 commitments were designed, eight of which are promising with regards to prevention and…

Action plan – Osasco, Brazil, 2021 – 2024

Overview At-a-Glance Action Plan: Action plan - Osasco, Brazil, 2021 - 2024 Action Plan Submission: 2021 Action Plan End: October 2024 Lead Institution: Management and Planning Secretary (SEPLAG, initials in portuguese), Finances Secretary (SF, initials in portuguese), Municipal Open Government…

Open Government Partnership