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Latin America

Colombia Design Report 2017-2019

Colombia impulsó un proceso de consulta muy amplio para el desarrollo del plan de acción que logró integrar entidades del gobierno nacional, entidades territoriales (municipales y departamentales), de la rama legislativa, judicial y de la contraloría. Entre los desafíos principales…


OGP Steering Committee Statement on El Salvador

The members of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Steering Committee express their deep concern regarding the dismissal of all five magistrates from El Salvador’s Constitutional Chamber and the Attorney General on May 1, 2021.

Caregiver hands

How Mexico Can Strengthen Public Care Services to Reduce Gender Inequality

This blog is part of a series from students of the Institut de Sciences Politiques de Paris who interviewed reformers working on initiatives recognized by the OGP Leaders Network. Read the series here.  Despite Mexico being a leader of transformative gender equality, it remains ranked…

Open Government Partnership