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Latin America

Uruguay Design Report 2018-2020

The co-creation process of Uruguay’s fourth action plan was better structured and included more dialogue instances than previous plans, demonstrating the country’s strengthened OGP process. However, there are opportunities for improving the geographic and thematic diversity of civil society, as…

Peru Implementation Report 2017-2019

During the implementation period, and as compared with the previous action plan, Peru made improvements in terms of commitment completion. However, the majority of commitments have not led to changes in the practice of government (or changes have been marginal).…

Honduras Design Report 2018-2020

Honduras’s fourth action plan was developed in a complex environment, and it was marked by a series of protests against the general election results. However, the Government of Honduras and the Technical Committee conducted a broad consultation process in at…

Brazil Design Report 2018-2020

Brazil led a strong, collaborative co-creation process (developed with federal government, civil society, and some state and municipal government actors). The parties tackled topics such as freedom of speech, budget participation, and public accountability. The consultation process was extensive; however,…

Paraguay End-of-Term Report 2016-2018

Implementation of the third action plan focused on further understanding the law on access to public information, mechanisms for citizen complaints (like the platform to report corruption), and citizen participation for poverty alleviation. Moving forward, Paraguay should focus on creating…

Panama Design Report 2017-2019

Panama’s third action plan is focused on anticorruption and it was designed through open participatory workshops, with high influence from civil society. The plan was widely distributed through the media, but it did not include participation of organizations from beyond…

Costa Rica Design Report 2017-2019

Costa Rica’s third action plan addresses three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and includes, for the first time, all three branches of the government. During the design phase, open workshops were held in several cities across the country, but the government…

Brazil End-of-Term Report 2016-2018

Two commitments in Brazil’s 2016–2018 action plan resulted in outstanding changes in government practices. These led to a cultural shift in the openness of educational resources and data (Commitment 6) and significantly increased civic participation in budgetary planning (Commitment 14).…


Citizen Participation in Auditing: The Key to Open Response and Recovery

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) are essential to identify and mitigate the risks associated with the use of power and ...

Uruguay End-of-Term Report 2016-2018

Uruguay made substantial progress in completing its commitments, half of which resulted in significant changes in access to public information. The implementation of the access to information law continued and the first National Water Plan was developed in a participatory…

Open Government Partnership