Latin America
Foro de Múltiples Partes Interesadas de Chile y Diálogo Político
Desde su primer plan de acción en 2012, el Gobierno de Chile ha establecido un diálogo permanente con actores de la sociedad civil para la creación de reformas de gobierno abierto. Inicialmente, un pequeño grupo de organizaciones de la sociedad…
Chile’s Multistakeholder Forum and Political Dialogue
Since its first National Action Plan process in 2012, the Government of Chile has maintained a permanent dialogue with civil society stakeholders in open government reforms. Initially, a small group of organizations held conversations with the General Secretariat of Presidency…
Tools for Tracking Action Plans in Uruguay
Version en español » With the goal of promoting and enhancing transparency in the tracking process of Open Government Action Plans, Uruguay has deployed four management tools: the Open Government Observatory, the Tracking Meetup, the Achievement Dashboard, and the Open…
¿Por qué insistir?: Construyendo espacios de confianza
“¿Qué pasa en Perú? De ser la estrella de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (AGA), un ejemplo de trabajo entre gobierno y sociedad civil en la región, ha pasado a ser una sombra, con evidente discordancia entre las partes”,…
Why we should keep insisting: Building a space for trust
“What’s going on with Peru? It went from being a star in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and an example of collaboration between government and civil society, to being a shadow full of disagreements.” A colleague that used to work…
Getting out of the comfort zone to co-create: Lessons from Buenos Aires
Abandonar la zona de confort para co-crear: lecciones desde Buenos Aires
During last month’s Americas Regional Meeting, the civil society organizations that make up the open government board, both at the national level in Argentina and at the subnational level in Buenos Aires, showed their ability to challenge, inconvenience, and put…
Durante la cumbre de las Américas, el mes pasado, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil que componen la mesa de gobierno abierto —tanto a nivel nacional en Argentina como a nivel subnacional en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires— dieron distintas…
Great Expectations: How Engagement Makes Openness Irreversible
The City of Buenos Aires got a staggering response when they launched BA Elige in 2017, a competition that asked residents of Buenos Aires to nominate and then vote on projects to improve the city. 3.3 million people visited the…