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Latin America

Mexico Progress Report 2013-2014 – Public Comment Section

2013-2014 Mexico Progress Report: Public Comment Section The OGP invites all stakeholders to make comments on the draft document to ensure that the final version represents all possible perspectives. Those interested can comment below or send more substantial comments to sends…

Faces of Open Government – Gabriela Ayerdi

How did you get involved in open government - what is your personal story about why you joined the movement? In 2015, Guatemala went through a process that marked the country's history. The presidential run-off election was characterized by cases…

Information, participation, and access to justice can save lives, protect territories and achieve sustainable development

The Environmental Justice Atlas currently has registers of 2,089 cases of socio-environmental conflict due to mining, and oil and gas extraction. This is yet another of the many striking figures that we see everyday about unemployment; malnutrition; displaced, migrant and…

Argentina Progress Report 2015-2017

Six months into this action plan, a change in government revitalized the open government agenda in Argentina. The new administration expanded both civil society participation and the thematic reach of the commitments. The future challenge is translating the renewed enthusiasm…

Values have Value

Today the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) is collaborating in the signing of an agreement to set a new standard for corporate disclosure jointly drawn up with the Brazilian Government and the Brazilian Development Bank. IIRC Chief Executive Richard Howitt…

Open Government Partnership