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Latin America

Nuevo Gobierno chileno y prioridades OGP

El nivel de cumplimiento de los compromisos adquiridos por el Gobierno de Chile en su Primer Plan de Acción 2012-2013 es significativo. De un total de 19 compromisos cumplió 15 de ellos. No cabe duda que la administración del Presidente…

Comments on the IRM Mexico report

Mexico.jpg The draft version for public comments of the Independent Progress Report on Mexico´s first National Action Plan (NAP) has been recently launched. No doubt this is a milestone for both the ongoing Mexican OGP process and for the global…

IRM releases Mexico report for public comment

Cabo San Lucas Rocks 700.jpg The Open Government Partnership’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) has launched its sixth of eight reports; this one is on Mexico and can be found below. IRM progress reports are carried out by an independent researcher…

IRM Releases Brazil Report for Comment

The Open Government Partnership’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) has now launched the second IRM report on Brazil, which can also be found below. The IRM’s goal is to deliver a credible, non-partisan description of the process behind the implementation of a country’s…

MDG: Brazilian Transparency and accountability

Since  August,  2012,  BEMFAM  (Family  Welfare  in  Brazil),  a  Brazilian  NGO  focused  on  family planning,  sexual  and  reproductive  health  and  sexual  and  reproductive  rights,  has  been developing  a  project  in  partnership  with  IPPF  (International Planned Parenthood  Federation) on the Brazilian’s…

Open Government Partnership