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Denmark Design Report 2017–2019

Cordelia Chesnutt Denmark’s third action plan had similar thematic foci as previous plans: increasing open data, improving transparency in the public sector, and promoting open government globally. Civil society provided input during the co-creation process. However, the final commitments were…

Municipal Budget and Spending Data for Water in the Netherlands

Lessons from Reformers: Starting in 2015, Dutch local governments began providing financial data through a web portal at

Beautiful Riga old town panoramic view from above

Committing Funding to Build Civil Society in Latvia

Lessons from Reformers: As part of the Soviet Union, Latvia did not have a tradition of civil society organizations...

Germany Design Report 2017-2019 – For Public Comment

In 2019, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Design Report for Germany’s first action plan (2017-2019). The report covers the development and design of its commitments. In Germany, the IRM researcher Dr. Dieter Zinnbauer's findings are summarized below: "Germany’s…

Estonia End-of-Term Report 2016-2018

Country: Estonia Action Plan: Estonia Action Plan 2016-2018 Report Publication Year: 2019 Researcher: Maarja Toots, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, in an independent capacity In its third OGP action plan, Estonia focused on promoting…

A Digital Backbone for a Citizens’ Europe

We find ourselves in the midst of a digital revolution and the rate of upheaval is accelerating. Technological progress is happening so quickly that political actors genuinely struggle to shape it or to even keep pace.

Open Government Partnership