Why talking about procurement should be at the top of the agenda when talking about corruption
La procuración como elemento clave de la agenda de lucha contra la corrupción
This year has been a gruesome reminder of the high costs that come with unveiling corruption...
Este año ha sido un terrible recordatorio de los costos que implica la corrupción...
Interview, Ms. Rikke Hougaard Zeberg, Director-General, the Danish Agency for Digitisation
Entrevista a Rikke Hougaard Zeberg, Directora General de la Agencia Danesa para la Digitalización
1) Why is it important for a country with low levels of corruption, like Denmark, to be part of an organization like OGP? Openness, anti-corruption and citizen engagement are all continuously important issues – even to countries with a long…
La apertura, la anticorrupción y la participación ciudadana siempre son temas importantes, incluso en países que tienen una larga trayectoria de gobierno abierto...