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Nuevo Leon: Challenges and Lessons Learned from the Biggest Open Government Coalition in OGP Local

Nuevo Leon is a state in northeastern Mexico with nearly six million inhabitants, making it the seventh most populous in the country. 93 percent of its population resides in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey (ZMM), encompassing 13 of the state's…

End of Commitment Report – “Transparency and the right to understand”: improving the usability and communication of the administration for real and effective accountability

  Overview Name of Evaluator Daniel Catalá Pérez, Aida Vizcaíno Estevan y Borja Colón de Carvajal (Spanish Society for the Evaluation of Public Policies SEE) Email Member Name Valencian Community, Spain Action Plan Title Action plan - Valencian Community,…

End of Commitment Report – “Open government innovation and culture”: train, educate and build up a participative culture from the education community, strengthening the network and the links present between the Civil Society and the public administration.

Overview Name of Evaluator Daniel Catalá Pérez, Aida Vizcaíno Estevan y Borja Colón de Carvajal (Spanish Society for the Evaluation of Public Policies SEE) Email Member Name Valencian Community, Spain Action Plan Title Action plan - Valencian Community, Spain,…

End of Commitment Report – “Comunitat Oberta” (Open Community). Networks and tools to promote public integrity at the local level of the Comunitat Valenciana and make the good municipal practices of open government visible

Overview Name of Evaluator Aida Vizcaíno Estevan Email Member Name Valencian Community, Spain Action Plan Title Action plan - Valencian Community, Spain, 2022 - 2023 Commitment “Comunitat Oberta” (Open Community). Networks and tools to promote public integrity at the…


Fiscal Openness: Open Budgets

Every year, governments collect and spend billions of taxpayer funds to pay for public services like education and healthcare. The public has a right to know how that money is allocated and how it is spent.

End of Commitment Report – Territorialize the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals in four municipalities of the province with a meaningful open government perspective, emphasizing collaboration between actors.

Overview Name of Evaluator Melisa Gorondy Novak Email Member Name Córdoba (Province), Argentina Action Plan Title Action plan - Córdoba (Province), Argentina, 2021 - 2023 Commitment Territorialize the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals in four municipalities of…

Open Government Partnership