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Results, Challenges, and Next Steps for the City of Buenos Aires

Launch Event: A Space of Encounter On April 11, 2018, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) launched the first #OGPLocal program report assessing the performance of the City of Buenos Aires in OGP during 2017. Local government representatives and civil society…

An Open City: Residents cocreating to transform Buenos Aires

Three years ago, the residents of Buenos Aires gave me the great responsibility to work together with them to transform their city. Since then, I have met with them on the streets, at bars, and on my morning runs. We…

Growing the Family of #OpenGov: Introducing the New OGP Local Participants!

Reproductive health in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Women-led data collection in Bojonegoro, Indonesia. Inequality in Austin, Texas. Water service expenses and quality in Kigoma, Tanzania. Lobbying reforms in Madrid, Spain.   These are just a few of the issues that were…

Austin’s Equity Assessment Tool: Leveling the Playing Field

From the Austin City Government:    The City of Austin Equity Office was established through a City Council resolution in 2015, and officially opened with the hiring of the first Chief Equity Officer, Brion Oaks, in 2016. Unlike the many Equity…

Open Government Partnership