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Sekondi-Takoradi Final Report 2017

 Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly showed strong high-level commitment to the OGP process. The collaborative development of the action plan resulted in five commitments focused on improving services in the areas of security, sanitation, tax revenue collection and fiscal transparency. In the…


Securing human dignity through the lens of open governance

It has been exactly one year since I had the incredible honour of speaking at the opening of the 5th Global Summit of the Open Government Partnership in Tbilisi, Georgia. What made the occasion special for me, being South African,…


South Cotabato, Philippines – Citizen Monitoring of Public Infrastructure Projects

Inefficiencies in South Cotabato's procurement process led to delayed completion or hold up on implementation of 95 percent of planned infrastructure projects in 2017. A lack of publicly accessible information on the real-time status of ...


Implementing SDG16+ Through the Open Government Partnership

The challenge of building peaceful, just and inclusive societies is at the heart of the SDGs and OGP can be a vital partner to achieve these goals. 


Buenos Aires – Vulnerable Citizens Have Equal Access to Reproductive Health Services

In Buenos Aires, access to sexual and reproductive health services is guaranteed for all residents by law, yet there is a stark gap between quality and availability...

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How to Get Beyond the Doom and Gloom: Align OGP with the Sustainable Development Goals

Notwithstanding the airiness of a late spring day in Ontario after a long winter or the charm of the Rideau Canal, the OGP Summit in 2019 was bound to be gloomier than previous ones I’d attended. I was at the…

Public toilet

The Importance of Open Data in Water Planning

Lessons from Reformers: In La Libertad, local service providers often lack the technical and financial resources to ensure access to safe water...

OGP Local workshop in Elegyo-Marakwet, Kenya

Inclusive Contracting in Elgeyo-Marakwet, Kenya

Lessons from Reformers: Although Kenya requires that 30% of procurement opportunities be allocated to women, youth, and people with disabilities, these groups still face significant obstacles in the procurement market.

Open Government Partnership