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An Open City: Residents cocreating to transform Buenos Aires

Three years ago, the residents of Buenos Aires gave me the great responsibility to work together with them to transform their city. Since then, I have met with them on the streets, at bars, and on my morning runs. We…

Growing the Family of #OpenGov: Introducing the New OGP Local Participants!

Reproductive health in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Women-led data collection in Bojonegoro, Indonesia. Inequality in Austin, Texas. Water service expenses and quality in Kigoma, Tanzania. Lobbying reforms in Madrid, Spain.   These are just a few of the issues that were…

Austin’s Equity Assessment Tool: Leveling the Playing Field

From the Austin City Government:    The City of Austin Equity Office was established through a City Council resolution in 2015, and officially opened with the hiring of the first Chief Equity Officer, Brion Oaks, in 2016. Unlike the many Equity…

Getting out of the comfort zone to co-create: Lessons from Buenos Aires

During last month’s Americas Regional Meeting, the civil society organizations that make up the open government board, both at the national level in Argentina and at the subnational level in Buenos Aires, showed their ability to challenge, inconvenience, and put…

Open Government Partnership