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Poder Ciudadano – OGP Blog Foto 2

Mainstreaming Gender, Diversity and Inclusion in Open Government

The evidence is clear: we know that inequality exists and that it violates the rights of women, the LGBTQIA+ community, people living with disabilities, indigenous peoples and other collectives...

Nigeria Implementation Report 2017-2019

Nigeria’s first action plan initiated open government reforms such as civic engagement in the budget process and open contracting. Ongoing civil society support often drove commitment implementation. Meanwhile, limited lead agency engagement and lengthy legislative processes inhibited the implementation of…

woman in the market

Overcoming Women’s Barriers to Participating in Entrepreneurship and Public Procurement in Africa

Despite positive steps taken on international, regional and national levels to promote strategies for women’s economic empowerment and inclusion, evidence still suggests that women are being excluded from public procurement processes.

Open Government Partnership