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Seychelles Design Report 2019-2021

Seychelles’ successful co-creation of its first national action plan represents an admirable step towards developing a national strategy for open government. To continue this momentum, the Seychelles should aim to formalize OGP processes, broaden the co-creation process to include more…

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Let’s Put Some Pride into Open Government Action Plans

See how OGP members are using their action plans to engage LGBTQIA+ communities and address their values and needs.

Liberia Implementation Report 2017-2019 – For Public Comment

In 2020, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the implementation report for Liberia's third action plan. The report covers the action plan implementation process. In Liberia, the IRM researcher Diasmer Panna Bloe's findings are summarized below: Liberia’s 2017–2019 action plan…

Denmark Design Report 2019-2021

Denmark’s fourth action plan continues to mainly focus on fostering public trust and transparency through open data. Notable commitments include creating a database with information on workplace safety and the introduction of whistleblower protection schemes with in the sphere of…

Open Government Partnership