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Cabo Verde Parliaments Workshop 1

Parliament Paving the Way: Co-Creation in Cabo Verde

Every so often, simple ideas simply work. When Cabo Verde’s National Assembly set out to break down barriers to citizen engagement, they got out the sledgehammer.

Australia End-of-Term Report 2016-2018 – For Public Comment

In 2020, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the End-of-Term Report for Australia's first action plan (2016-2018). The report covers the full action plan implementation period of July 2016 to June 2018. In Australia, the IRM researcher Daniel Stewart's findings…

OGP Civil Society Leaders Statement of Significant Concern on Guatemala

As the Civil Society leadership of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Steering Committee, we were extremely concerned about Decree 4-2020 in Guatemala and its likely negative impact on the freedom of association, assembly, and speech throughout the country. We welcome…

Nigeria Design Report 2017-2019

Nigeria’s first action plan leveraged ongoing efforts in the country to address important open government challenges like beneficial ownership, open contracting, and implementing the Freedom of Information Act. The thematic scope and ambition of this action plan has set a…

Open Government Partnership