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Nigeria (Beneficial Ownership)

Featured Commitment: Establish Beneficial Ownership Registry

Read how Nigeria plans to tackle money laundering, drug trafficking, terrorism, and grand corruption by establishing a beneficial ownership register. This commitment is featured in the "What's in the 2019 Action Plans" publication.

Liberia Design Report 2017-2019

Liberia’s third action plan aimed to address corruption through more access to information and citizen oversight. The IRM recommends that future co-creation processes include tools and mechanisms to inform the public how their feedback is used, and consultations are more…

Republic of Korea End-of-Term Report 2016–2018

The Korean government has continued to show its strong determination and dedication in carrying out the third national action plan’s (NAP3’s) 13 commitments, of which 10 commitments have been assessed as complete, and three commitments as substantially completed. Many of…

money from around the world

Don’t Let Cash Slip Away: How to Build Strong Government Oversight of Stimulus Spending

As governments around the world implement massive stimulus packages to protect individuals’ economic and physical wellbeing in the midst of the pandemic, robust oversight mechanisms are essential to ensure these huge social programs reach intended recipients.

Kenya End-of-Term Report 2016-2018

Kenya’s second national action plan addressed priority policy areas for reform, such as beneficial ownership, extractives, open contracting, and open budgets. By the end of term, the commitment on beneficial ownership was fully implemented, while the commitments on climate change,…

Tunisia End-of-Term Report 2016-2018

The Tunisian Second Action Plan faced implementation challenges due to resource constraints and unclear cross-government coordination in some cases. The creation of Authority of Access to Information (AAI) was a key milestone and a major step in improving government practice…

Open Government Partnership