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When Art Makes the Invisible Visible – Paraguay

In November 2017, it was time to initiate the process of co-creating Paraguay’s fourth Open Government Action Plan (PAGA). The previous action plans had come together through collaboration between government agencies and a variety of NGOs, including our organization, Fundación…


OGP Goes Local with a Push from CSOs – Serbia

My first recollection of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in Serbia is of a meeting held in late 2013 on the premises of what was then called the Ministry of State Administration (now the Ministry of Public Administration and Local…

OGP Academic 6

Building a Democratic Process in Our University – Tunisia

Academia could be considered the link between society and policy makers, as scholars diagnose, analyze, and make recommendations for public policy. The academic world offers space to discover the truth underlying sociological and political forces and ideological dogma. More than…

Chrome Ore in Albania

Why EITI-OGP Synergy Matters for Georgia

Despite being one of the key economic areas for Georgia, extractive industries generally lack sufficient levels of transparency and accountability. The recently published 2019 OGP Global Report demonstrates that improved transparency leads to better economic results, including increased foreign direct…


What’s Next for Open Government in the Nordics

The Nordics top the rankings on good governance, showing strong institutions, rule of law, and high levels of public trust See what they're doing in OGP.

Open Government Partnership