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Traditional Ndebele hut at Botshabelo near Mpumalanga, South Africa

The Case for Accountability in Education

Lessons from Reformers: Education systems work better when the public has access to information, the opportunity to participate in decision-making, and the ability to seek answers from governments.

Cartagena, Colombia – August 2nd 2013 – The Colombian flag in the Cartagena Fort in a cloudy and windy day. Cartagena, Colombia

Opening up Information on Past Abuses

Lessons from Reformers: Colombia committed to create a national archive on human rights and historical memory to document the victims of its armed conflict...

A woman walks near a telecommunications tower in Mexico City

Attempting to Address Violence Against Activists and Journalists

Lessons from Reformers: The Mexican justice system suffers from lack of judicial independence and is part of a broader environment of impunity...

presidential palace in Bratislava, Slovakia in the sunny summer day

Using Slovakia’s Beneficial Ownership Register for Impact

Lessons from Reformers: Along with Denmark, Slovakia was one of the first countries to publish beneficial ownership information.

World Newspapers

Shifting Protections and Culture about Whistleblowers

Lessons from Reformers: Whistleblowers serve a critical social function by flagging neglect or abuses in the public and private sector...

yellow field

The State of Nonprofit Work in Ukraine

Lessons from Reformers: Obtaining official not-for-profit status for an organization in Ukraine has long been considered a difficult process.

Oil rig in the yards

Nigeria’s Push for Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Procurement and in the Extractives Sector

Lessons from Reformers: As a resource-rich country that has been plagued by grand corruption, beneficial ownership transparency has emerged as an important tool in Nigeria.

Aerial view of a port in Montevideo, Uruguay

Uruguay’s National Water Plan

Lessons from Reformers: Uruguay’s 2004 constitutional reform reversed privatization of water and sanitation services. This reform signaled a significant public interest in water and sanitation governance.

Prozorro Office – Ukraine

Empowering Citizens as Watchdogs in Ukraine

Lessons from Reformers: After the successful launch of the ProZorro e-procurement platform in 2015, Ukraine launched DoZorro...

Open Government Partnership