
Crashing Out of Poverty
Paraguay creates opportunities for citizens to improve their lives and participate in politics.
Sri Lanka commits to addressing a wide range of open government issues, but implementation found lacking
The Open Government Partnership publishes mid-term progress report on Sri Lanka’s open government efforts. COLOMBO, SRI LANKA – The annual summit of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) will be held in Tbilisi, Georgia between 17-19 July 2018. The global summit…
Chile Mid-Term Report 2016-2018
This report was written in Spanish with an English Executive Summary. To see the original report, go to
Armenia Progress Report 2016-2018
Executive Summary Armenia’s third action plan aims to improve transparency of government spending and service provision. However, the commitments are too limited in scope to lead to significant changes. The next plan could involve wider consultation and more ambitious commitments.…