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El 2018 será un gran año para Georgia

En 2016, los gobiernos y organizaciones de la sociedad civil eligieron a Georgia para fungir como copresidente de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP por sus siglas en inglés), lo cual es para nosotros un gran honor y responsabilidad.…

From Paris to Nairobi: Making Accountability in Climate Policy a Local Affair?

Featured Commitment: Kenya Commitment 1: More transparent and participatory development of climate policies at the national and subnational level 2016 – 2018 Action Plan 2 OGP is the international platform for major players to launch big ideas to promote open…

2018 will be a big year for Georgia!

  This post originally appeared on Thea Tsulukiani’s blog. In 2016, partner governments and civil society organizations elected Georgia to serve as the Co-Chair of Open Government Partnership (OGP) – granting a great honor and responsibility. Starting from October 2017,…

Open Government Partnership