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Global Co-Creation Week Facebook Live

Date: Monday, March 27, 2017 - 11:30am to 12:00pm (Sao Paulo 12:30PM, London 4:30PM, Nairobi 6:30PM, Sydney 2:30AM) Location: OGP Facebook Page Archive: Blog: Global Co-Creation Week Facebook Live Remarks | Facebook: Video and recorded remarks OGP Facebook Live to kick off the Global…

Open Government for Cities in Brazil

Brazil was one of OGP’s founding countries and, since 2011, has been enacting national laws to enforce transparency and public participation as relevant parts of public administration. The access to information law and the public participation law, for instance, were…

Faces of Open Government – Svitlana Zalishchuk, MP, Ukrainian Parliament

How did you get involved in open government - what is your personal story about why you joined the movement? I first learned about the Open Government Partnership from my friends at the Omidyar Network. I really liked the idea…

Italy Launches its First Open Government Week

What started as a proposal made by civil society in the Italian national Open Government Forum is now becoming a reality. Following through on a commitment made in its Third National Action Plan, the Italian Department of Public Administration is…

Open Government Partnership