Going Beyond Open Data to Address Public Integrity and Fight Corruption
Corruption is the root of global threats, as it causes underdevelopment and damages the environment, it also nourishes public distrust and political extremism. Every year, 2 trillion dollars is paid in bribes. Over 2.6 trillion dollars representing around 3% of…
OGP in the News – Week of February 6, 2017
A series providing a round-up of media attention received by the Open Government Partnership throughout the world. This week, media coverage of OGP poured in from around the world with top stories spotlighting open government concerns in Azerbaijan, #OGP16 civic…
Webinar: Leverage your Advocacy Work through the Open Government Partnership
Join us for a short introduction to the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and how it uses collective action to bring together reformers inside and outside government. We will discuss how members of the network could use OGP to leverage their advocacy work on legal…
The Effort to Start Open Government at a Local Level in Italy
Since being established in 2009, the open government movement has been embedded into national level governance around the world. Nonetheless a real open government environment can only be reached when open government principles are applied at the local level. During…