What’s in the New OGP National Action Plans
The biennial development and implementation of NAPs is at the core of the OGP model. Since the start of 2015, 49 countries submitted new plans containing over 800 commitments.
The biennial development and implementation of NAPs is at the core of the OGP model. Since the start of 2015, 49 countries submitted new plans containing over 800 commitments.
Tras los resultados electorales, la BBC publicó un artículo en el que se preguntaba si este resultado significaba el fin de la democracia liberal. Estamos observando algunas señales preocupantes de la debilitación del espacio cívico y la alza del autoritarismo.…
Durante la Cumbre de la Ciudad de México en 2015, Sri Lanka fue el país número 69 en incorporarse a OGP. Desde entonces, el Parlamento de Sri Lanka aprobó la Ley de Acceso a la Información y el Gabinete aprobó…
¿Por qué estás interesado en el gobierno abierto? ¿Cómo es que tu experiencia te trajo hasta aquí? Yo empecé a trabajar en lo que aún no se llamaba “gobierno abierto” en el 2007. Ese año, Francia tuvo un nuevo presidente…
Desde la creación de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP) en 2011, 70 países han establecido casi 2500 compromisos de reformas de gobierno abierto. Los países que se incorporaron a OGP en el 2011 y 2012 fueron los primeros…
The OGP Mexico City summit of 2015 saw Sri Lanka become the 69th country to join OGP. Since then, the Sri Lankan Parliament has passed the Right to Information (RTI) Act and the Cabinet has passed its first OGP National…
How did you get involved in open government? What in your background inspired you to work in this field? I started to work on what was not yet called “open government” in 2007. That year, France had a new president…
Spurred by recent electoral results, the BBC published an article asking whether these mark the end of liberal democracy. There are troubling signs of closing civic space and rise of authoritarianism. Civicus reports that in 2015, there were violations of…
Since the Open Government Partnership (OGP) was launched in 2011, 70 countries have committed to nearly 2500 individual open government reforms. Countries joining OGP in 2011 and 2012 were the first to produce OGP National Action Plans (NAPs). Many of…
1. Information IntegrityAhead of Nigeria’s 2011 election, the West African Non-Government Organisation Network reported troubling inaccuracies in the list of the nation’s polling stations. While preparing a digital map of voting locations, it discovered that as many as 28,000 polling…
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