The open government partnership offers an opportunity to respond to the global crisis of legitimacy of political power
The last year has been marked by a global rise of populist political projects, carrying nationalist aspirations of closed borders and ultimately revealing the deep mistrust of political elites and traditional government institutions. Globally, electoral defeats of liberal parties have…
Deutschland ist jetzt Teil der Open Government Partnership (OGP): Regierung und Zivilgesellschaft sind im selben Boot
English Version » Die deutsche Zivilgesellschaft schaut auf den OGP Gipfel in Paris mit hohen Erwartungen, weil Deutschland am 7. Dezember schließlich offiziell Teil der internationalen Partnerschaft für mehr Transparenz, Bürgerbeteiligung, weniger Korruption und innovativen Regierungsansätze wird. Bundesinnenminister Thomas de…
Cities Join the Open Government Partnership
Version Française » A miniature democratic revolution is underway. Some of you are already familiar with the Open Government Partnership (OGP), or this organisation of governments and civil society organizations doing remarkable work to advance openness in government and citizen…
Speech by the President of the Republic, François Hollande – Global Summit for Open Government Partnership
Version Française » Paris Salle Pleyel - Wednesday 7th December 2016 Ladies and Gentlemen, Heads of State, of government, Ladies and Gentlemen, representatives of the many countries associated with this summit for open government, Ladies and Gentlemen the elected representatives,…
What’s at stake in the future of U.S. participation in the Open Government Partnership
This post originally appeared on the Sunlight Foundation blog. The dominant political binary of the 21st century won’t be left versus right, but open versus closed. That’s the observation that author Alec Ross shared more than six years ago, while he was still serving…
DISCOURS DU PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE: Sommet mondial du Partenariat pour un Gouvernement Ouvert
English Version » Paris Salle Pleyel – Mercredi 7 décembre 2016 Mesdames, Messieurs les Chefs d’État, de gouvernement, Mesdames, Messieurs les représentants de nombreux pays qui se sont associés à ce sommet pour le gouvernement ouvert, Mesdames, Messieurs les…
Making Transparency Count: The Open Government Awards
PARIS, December 7 - The Third Annual Open Government Awards winners were announced today at the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit in Paris, France. Taking home the top prize was the Ukrainian initiative, ProZorro, which sheds light on corrupt procurement practices in that country.…