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Serbia Results Report 2020-2022

Serbia’s fourth Open Government Partnership (OGP) action plan focused on digitalization and public participation in decision-making. Half of the commitments were either fully or substantially completed, but only one (simplifying administrative procedures) saw major results in opening government. To improve…

Netherlands Results Report 2020-2022

The Netherlands’ fourth Open Government Partnership (OGP) action plan saw advancements in transparency of political parties' financing. Preliminary work was also carried out in open contracting and in finding the right balance between government transparency and confidentiality. Going forward, it…

OGP Summit For Democracy Resources

  In December 2021, the United States government convened the first Summit for Democracy (S4D), where more than 50 governments – including 43 member countries of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) – made more than 800 commitments to strengthen democracy,…

Romania Results Report 2020-2022 – For Public Comment

In 2023, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Results Report for Romania's fifth action plan. The report reviews the level of completion and early open government results for commitments in the action plan. In Romania, the IRM’s findings are…

Indonesia Results Report 2020-2022 – For Public Comment

In 2023, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Results Report for Indonesia's sixth action plan. The report reviews the level of completion and early open government results for commitments in the action plan. In Indonesia, the IRM’s findings are…

Open Government Partnership