OGP in the News – Week of June 6, 2016
A series providing a round-up of media attention received by the Open Government Partnership throughout the world. Following last week’s successful Americas Regional Meeting in Montevideo, press coverage of OGP turned to our next major international event: the 2016 Global…
Communities of Practice: They keep disappointing us, but we keep building them
How the Open Government Partnership is boosting COP effectiveness Collective Action: A love-hate relationship Collective action presents challenges that are widely recognized, yet people continually prefer to work together. Governance practitioners recognize that the issues we work to address are…
OGP in the News – Week of May 30, 2016
A series providing a round-up of media attention received by the Open Government Partnership throughout the world. The biggest news in the world of OGP this week was the Americas Regional Meeting, where some 500 individuals from around the world…
From Mechanism to Movement: An OGP Call to Collective Action
Speech by Sanjay Pradhan at the OGP Americas Meeting, Uruguay 1 June 2016 Thank you, Uruguayan government and civil society, for hosting this wonderful conference and for welcoming us so warmly on this cold morning. It is an extraordinary pleasure for…
P is for Partnership: U.S. Embassies Partner with Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Macedonia to Push OGP Forward
P is for Partnership, and that is the mantra that U.S. Embassies in Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Slovakia have adopted with our OGP counterparts. In June 2015, we organized a ten day International Visitor on Demand visit to the United…
How open are budgets in OGP member countries and what are the trends?
This post is the second in a short series that GIFT will be running to provide ideas for the 51 member countries currently preparing their next Action Plans. The first post discussed the steps OGP countries should take in their…
Open Government: Reflections from Uruguay
Gobierno Abierto: Una reflexión desde Uruguay
By the time you read this, hundreds of people from all over the continent will have arrived in Montevideo to take part in the OGP Americas Regional Meeting. It is an honor and pleasure for Uruguay to welcome the people…
Para cuando lean esto, cientos de personas de todo el continente estarán llegando a Montevideo a compartir el tercer Encuentro Regional de las Américas de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto. Para Uruguay, es siempre un honor y una alegría…
El camino de la apertura: Agesic
Want to read this blog in English? En Agesic, desde su creación, hemos entendido que las formas de la democracia son estructuras cambiantes, que deben adaptarse ya no a los esquemas de proyectos o políticas aisladas, sino a la evolución que…
The Path to Openness: AGESIC
¿Quieres leer este blog en español? Since the creation of AGESIC, we have understood that democracy involves structures that change and should adapt – though no longer according to the schemes of projects or isolated policies, but to the evolution…