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Faces of Open Government: Santiago Garcia, Paraguay

Santiago is Paraguay’s Point of Contact for the Open Government Partnership.  He works in the Technical Secretariat for Planning. How does open government make a difference in people's lives in your country? Paraguay, like most Latin American countries, has a representative…

The fight against corruption in Latin America requires greater ambition

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) Regional Meeting comes at a tense political moment in the region. A variety of “scandals” – mostly linked to a lack of public ethics, accountability and/or to corruption – have occupied the news in recent…

Open Government: Reflections from Uruguay

By the time you read this, hundreds of people from all over the continent will have arrived in Montevideo to take part in the OGP Americas Regional Meeting. It is an honor and pleasure for Uruguay to welcome the people…

El camino de la apertura: Agesic

Want to read this blog in English? En Agesic, desde su creación, hemos entendido que las formas de la democracia son estructuras cambiantes, que deben adaptarse ya no a los esquemas de proyectos o políticas aisladas, sino a la evolución que…

The Path to Openness: AGESIC

¿Quieres leer este blog en español? Since the creation of AGESIC, we have understood that democracy involves structures that change and should adapt – though no longer according to the schemes of projects or isolated policies, but to the evolution…

En movimiento: La crisis política de Brasil y OGP

Want to read this blog in English? Este texto fue escrito conjuntamente por siete organizaciones de la sociedad civil de Brasil. El Grupo de Trabajo de la Sociedad Civil (GT), en coordinación con la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (Open…

Tough challenges and big opportunities: commitments to watch in the Americas.

To date, the Americas region faces a number of challenges in advancing  open government reforms. For many countries, insecurity, corruption and human rights violations are just some of the critical issues that governments need to tackle. Access to information and…

Open Government Partnership