Challenges for Open Government implementation in Mexico
Tomorrow Mexico will become lead Co-chair of the Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). The concept of Open Government has gained worldwide importance. This concept combines transparency, access to information, and citizen participation principles, policies and actions oriented…
Indonesian Youth: The Dark Horse of Democratic Change
1998 was the year when Indonesia started to question their identity by deconstructing their past to the future. Taking parallels to the Greek mythology, a literal Pandora box had been unleashed along the process. People in Indonesia have witnessed how…
10 World Leaders Speaking at #OGPatUN
Nine heads of state or government will speak at the United Nations in New York on September 24, 2014 to mark OGP's third anniversary (hashtag: #OGPatUN). Entitled, Open Government Partnership: Citizen Action, Responsive Government, the event will: Present the first annual Open Government Awards to recognize innovative projects…
IRM Results Unpacked: Who’s involved in OGP? Part 1: Branches of Government
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) evaluates OGP participating government performance through a national-level research process. IRM researchers in 43 countries have now finished IRM reports so we can begin to learn lessons from across…
El indulto y la apertura de la justicia: ¿por qué no también participación, además de más transparencia?
Según noticias recientes como ésta publicada en El País, parece que se habla de regeneración democrática y reforma institucional en España, y que se proponen medidas de más transparencia y rendición de cuentas también en instituciones relacionadas con la justicia,…
Open Government countries ranking 2013 (based on OGP data)
Open Government is very likely to be democracy’s next milestone. Should you care about open government? Possibly, because it guarantees transparency and accountability. But not in my opinion. In 2014 this passive role for the citizens is not enough. The most…
One hundred ATI Laws in the World, now what?
In the coming days, when Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes signs the Access to Information Law-already approved by Congress-a big milestone for ATI and the open government movement will be reached: 100 countries with ATI laws. All of us who care…