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Un modello “bottom-up” per l’open government italiano

L’Open Government Partnership è un accordo multilaterale che mira a riunire quei paesi i cui governi e le cui società civili vogliono lavorare insieme per sviluppare e attuare ambiziose riforme di governo aperto attraverso metodologie standard. Esso coinvolge diversi attori:…

A bottom-up model for Italian Open government

As a multilateral initiative, the Open Government Partnership aims at connecting the countries whose governments and civil societies are willing to work together to develop and implement ambitious open government reforms through shared methods. It involves governments, politicians, administrators, citizens…

Encouraging freedom of information improvements in Brazil

For Brazil, which enacted a Freedom of information (FOI) law in 2011, passive transparency is a relatively new administrative paradigm. The results of a large request-driven FOI audit suggest as much. Yet it is also clear that the federal government,…

Open Government Partnership