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Opening governments in Europe

Dublin page.jpg   Open government advocates sometimes struggle to offer a compelling vision of what they stand for. Too often the esoteric jargon around the issues obscures the fundamentals of an open society, in which civil society has space to…

A new dawn for open government in Italy?

The last couple of months have been quite an interesting time for those advocating for open government in Italy. The Italian government officially began participating in OGP in September 2011 and developed its first two-year action plan in early 2012…

Together for OGP

Macedonia.jpg “Two years ago I was in this alone and now it’s seventy of us” – said the national coordinator for OGP in Macedonia, Irena Bojadzievska, in her opening speech for the second public consultative meeting for the action plan…

2014 Proactive disclosure by Bulgarian institutions

Bulgarian_Parliament_TodorBozhinov_041009.jpg On April 2, 2014, the Access to Information Programme (AIP), a Bulgarian NGO with 18 years of experience in advocacy for access to information, transparent and accountable government, launched the updated 2014 Active Transparency Rating of Bulgarian Institutions. The…

OGP & the Republic of Armenia

The International community recently came up with an initiative to promote transparency and accountability of governments around the world: the Open Government Partnership. Countries that decide to join the partnership have to accept certain rules and adopt an action plan that…

Nuevo Gobierno chileno y prioridades OGP

El nivel de cumplimiento de los compromisos adquiridos por el Gobierno de Chile en su Primer Plan de Acción 2012-2013 es significativo. De un total de 19 compromisos cumplió 15 de ellos. No cabe duda que la administración del Presidente…

Open Government Partnership