Comentarios al Borrador del II Plan de Acción del Gobierno de España
Esperaba con mucho interés conocer el borrador del II Plan de Acción del Gobierno de España en la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP, por sus siglas en inglés). El documento no ha colmado mis expectativas y me ha decepcionado.…
Strengthened Media Strategy Ensured Citizens Engagement
Freetown.jpg The Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership has successfully submitted the Sierra Leone National Action plan on time mainly due to its citizen’s engagement strategy using the media as a major instrument in the engagement plan. Work on…
Tunisia Visit Highlights: Glimpse of OGP in Middle East and North Africa region
blog pic 2.jpg As an outreach effort of Indonesia’s OGP chairmanship, Tara Hidayat, Deputy Head of President’s Delivery Unit on Development Monitoring and Oversight, met with the State Secretary for Governance and Civil Services of Tunisia, Mr. Annouar Ben Khelifa,…
UK publishes progress updates for NAP commitments
When we published the Open Government Partnership UK National Action Plan 2013-15, we committed to UK civil society that we would be open and transparent about progress as we implement our commitments. Today we have published progress updates for all…
Australia: Youth and University Deregulation
Sydneyoperahouse.JPG Australia joined the Open Government Partnership in the middle of last year. Its inclusion to the partnership is an important addition. Not only does Australia have one of the most robust democratic institutions according to The Economist, it also…
OGP Extractive Countries: Four Ideas for a Better Action Plan
This post originally appeared on the Natural Resource Governance Institute website. Almost three years ago, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) was launched to provide an international platform for domestic reformers committed to making their governments more open, accountable and responsive to citizens.…
Open Government Data: Helping Parents to find the Best School for their Kids
open book.jpg This article originally appeared on the World Bank Blog and hase been republished with permission from the author. I recently relocated my family from Chisanau to The Hague, leading to the difficult experience of trying to find the…