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Making Transparency Visible: an update of OGP in Ireland

In my previous post on the Open Government Partnership website, I posed the question: ‘Is Ireland closing the door on Open Government?’ At that time I expressed the view that Ireland’s government was uninterested in the benefits of open government.…

OGP Rules of the Game

This post originally appeared on open up. I worry that civil society advocates working on Open Government Partnership are making a tactical mistake. There has been a lot of activity - rightly - around which OGP countries should be 'in…

Budget monitoring in an Amsterdam neighborhood

Graphics: Merijn Bram Rutgers The Centre for Budget Monitoring and Citizen Participation is a Dutch organization founded in December 2011. The foundation is the result of a co-operation between active citizens and social workers from the Netherlands and INESC from…

SIGA2013: Somos la democracia, somos el gobierno

Hace cuatro años era utópico pensar un evento en torno a Gobierno Abierto y sus tendencias en Iberoamérica. Un grupo de jóvenes se unió y decidió crear la Fundación Sociedades Digitales, una organización de la sociedad civil dedicada a fortalecer…

SIGA2013: We are democracy, we are the government

Four years ago it was pure utopia to think about an event around Open Government and its trends in Spain and Latin America. A group of young people came together and decided to create Fundación Sociedades Digitales (Digital Societies Foundation),…

Open Government Partnership