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OpenStreetMap OGP Mapping Party on Sunday

More than just talking about open data at next week's OGP High-Level Conference in Brasilia, we will be making open data. This Sunday there will be an OpenStreetMap 'mapping party' where you can go out into town, map the area,…

Opening Up Through Public Libraries

Written by Matej Novak from International Research and Exchanges Board, Ukraine office. The Ukrainian OGP Action Plan, just like most other country OGP Action Plans, takes advantage of the power of the internet. It contains the creation of new online resources that will…

Demonstrating Participatory Values at the Brasilia Meeting

The following blog entry was written by Dr. Carolyn J. Lukensmeyer, an innovator in deliberative democracy, public administration, and organizational development. She is Founder and President of Global Voices and AmericaSpeaks, a nonprofit organization that works to engage citizens in public decisions that…

Open Government Partnership