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Ireland and the Open Government Partnership

DublinBridge.png  Brendan Howlin's article was originally posted on website of the Department for Public Expenditure and Reform. It has been cross-posted here with his department's permission. The announcement concerning Ireland's decision to participate in OGP can be found here. There is…

La Agenda Post-2015, una oportunidad para la gobernanza

En el ámbito internacional, la Agenda para el Desarrollo Post-2015 es la siguiente estrategia para que los países miembros de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) persigan nuevos objetivos de desarrollo sustentables que retomen y rebasen a los actuales…

The UK’s Transparency Agenda

The following post is one of nine articles published for a special supplement, Innovating Government on a Global Stage, produced for the Open Government Partnership in the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR). To view the original post, please visit the…

Open Government Partnership