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How public participation can change politics

British professional politicians are seen as excessively short term in outlook, secretive by nature and arguably unfit for making and carrying though the big decisions that government requires. They are also viewed as having a hold over public life in…

OGP: Progress in South Africa

In South Africa spring is newly sprung, and that energy has been channeled into a comprehensive civil society monitoring plan for the South African Open Government Partnership Commitments. South Africa, as a founding partner, lodged its Action Plan of eight…

Open Government Partnership August Update

The OGP publishes a monthly newsletter. Want to receive it? Please email info [at] with 'subscribe to OGP newsletter' in the header. This month's edition can be found below in English. Please feel free to post your comments at…

Quality data = bigger savings

Last month’s post on how open data is a major factor of economic growth was an important analysis of the wider debate on the impact open data has on governance. Worldwide, businesses and public bodies are unfortunately facing a lack of quality…

Open Government Partnership