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Public Awareness of Anti-Corruption Mechanisms (AL0074)



Action Plan: Albania Action Plan 2023-2025

Action Plan Cycle: 2023



Lead Institution: Ministry of Justice/National Coordinator Anti -Corruption

Support Institution(s): • MoJ/NCAC • MoES • ASCS • OPC • MoFE • MoD • MoI • HCP • HIDAACI • Ombudsman • FLAD • IDM • ALTRI • Foreign partners in the field of anti – corruption • EU Delegation in Tirana • Italian Embassy in Tirana

Policy Areas

Anti Corruption and Integrity, Anti-Corruption Institutions, Capacity Building, Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Albania Action Plan Review 2023-2025

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Brief description of the commitment

The fight against corruption is one of the most priority policies that our country is advised to pursue with priority. And while prevention and punishment regarding the anti -corruption war is an obligation from Albania's accession to international instruments to fight corruption such as the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the Criminal Convention of the Council of Europe against Corruption (GRECO), the Civil Convention of the Council of Europe against corruption etc. but with strategic importance is also the public awareness and education of the mechanisms of the fight against corruption. The Ministry of Justice in exercising its role of the National Coordinator Anti - Corruption takes responsibility to create, guide, coordinate and facilitate measures and activities together with CSOs and interest groups to increase and ensure commitment: Awareness and education of the general public above mechanisms in the fight against corruption. Specific measures and activities are planned for implementation, separately and in co-existence of MoJ/NCAC, IDM, ALTRI and with special involvement of the Civil Society Support Agency structures.

Problem Definition

1. What problem does the commitment aim to address? Priority Commitment: Awareness and education of the general public on mechanisms in the fight against corruption, addresses the recommendations given to the Albanian government to increase the impact of the fight against corruption, the inclusion and coordination of anti - corruption actions, taking actions that will improve public perception and of stakeholders (CSO-media-academia, other partners) against corruption. Third Pillar of ISAC 2015-2023, surveys on measuring confidence in the country's public institutions, the number of corruption reports by citizens, prove that Albania should make efforts to increase society confidence by focusing on promoting mechanisms that currently exist, also others that doesn't In the context of drafting anti-corruption and integrity policies, public institutions, in cooperation with the media and CSOs, should pay increased attention to transparency and political documents produced, in order to analyze them by all stakeholders.

2. What are the causes of the problem? Lack of confidence in public institutions, deficiencies in the culture of anti -corruption in society or the non -reaction of public institutions are some of the factors that influence the current situation of the fight against corruption.

Commitment Description

1. What has been done so far to solve the problem? Awareness and education for anti-corruption mechanisms are two areas provided in the Cross-Cutting Strategy Anti-Corruption, 2015-2023 and its action plans. Specifically, measures are provided in the function of raising awareness and education of the general public on the consequences of corruption, promoting the public and increasing confidence in anti -corruption mechanisms, as well as increasing civil society involvement in these initiatives. The measures provided in the ISAC 2015-2020 and the Action Plan in force of 2020-2023 have influenced the creation of a climate of cooperation between the public and public institutions. Qualitative and efficient mechanisms for prevention and awareness of corruption have been created, there is good cooperation but more frequency is required. The Ministry of Justice has a communication and visibility strategy, and an annual action plan with activities and initiatives with CSOs and interest groups. Annual, regular editions of the Week of Integrity since 2020, a close collaboration with business, the CSO and the Academy are good evidence but also to be replicated throughout the year. Continuing work by intensifying efforts to raise public awareness and education will create appropriate conditions for a society aware of the danger of corruption and with high confidence in public institutions, improving the public perception of corruption, not only by Local and regional and international organizations such as Transparency International.

2. What solution are you proposing? The Ministry of Justice in exercising its role of the National Coordinator Against Corruption takes responsibility to create, guide, coordinate and facilitate measures and activities together with CSOs and interest groups to increase and ensure commitment: Awareness and education of the general public above mechanisms in the fight against corruption, oriented towards fields such as education - awareness - but also the active involvement of public administration structures. Anticorruption, video and communication tools, e-bule, capacity hardening, manual investigation, monitoring methodologies, integrity instruments, etc. are some of the solutions proposed to be carried out in this action plan. See the action plan as below.

3. What results do we want to achieve by implementing this commitment? The expected results from the measures provided for in the OGP action plan are: - Education/ teaching young people and children about the consequences of corruption and the importance of integrity in society as an important step in creating a culture of justice; - Citizen Activation: Citizens should be engaged and able to denounce corruption and be included in awareness campaigns; - Media: the role of the media in raising public awareness of corruption by involving the publication of anti -corruption policies and mechanisms; - Cooperation between the actors of society: the most transparent public institutions and civil society organizations most involved in the design of anti -corruption and integrity documents, organizing activities to promote anti -corruption culture and the response of society.

Activities/Milestones | Expected Outputs | Expected Completion Date

1. Awareness of the general public on the mechanisms in the fight against corruption, through:

1.1 Tools and information mechanisms through awareness and informative videos against corruption, in order to promote and receive denunciations by citizens | 1.1.1 creation and production of anti - corruption videos, developed; 1.1.2 Publication and launching in GDA Communication Networks in MoJ/NCAC Videos and Posters (Posters) Anti-Corruption | S II 2023; S II 2023 - 2025

1.2 Creating and promoting GDA communication tools; updating them with notifications and developments in the field of corruption | 1.2.1 Profiles and social networks of communication created Twitter; Linkedin; Facebook; Daily Anti - Corruption Field Notifications | S II 2023 – S I 2025

1.3 Electronic communication and information on the activity and activity of GDA (monthly basis) | 1.3.1. E-Monthly Information Bulletin written, distributed and published on the official website of the Ministry of Justice and GDA's social networks | S II 2023 – 2024 –S I 2025

1.4 Information and publication of the annual plan of legal proposals (Analytical Legal Plan) | 1.4.1 Analytical Plan of Acts (Legal and S/Law) published and notified | S II 2023- 2024

1.5 Information through the media about the activity and activity of GDA and anti -corruption mechanisms | 1.5.1 Media Interview (TV, etc.) for GDA and AC Network activity | S II 2023 – S I 2025

1.6 Activities (Forums) Discussion In order to aware of the anti -corruption denunciation mechanisms | 1.6.1 1-2 forums/year for anti-corruption mechanisms | S II 2023 – 2024 - S I 2025

2. Educating the general public on the mechanisms in the fight against corruption

2.1 Preparation and publication of the vocabulary of corruption, in order to increase citizens' information about the meaning of corruption. | 2.1.1 Publication and distribution of Anti - Corruption Dictionary | S II 2023

2.2 Preparation and Publication (Distribution) of Anti - Corruption Guide in order to increase citizens' information for the meaning and mechanisms of denouncing corruption | 2.2.1 Publication and distribution of the Anti -Corruption Guide | S II 2023

2.3 Mechanisms Education and AC Information in Higher Education Schools | 2.3.1 Developed Meetings by AC Experts in Higher Education Schools | S II 2023 - S II 2024

2.4 Developed monitoring mechanisms for the implementation of integrity instruments by CSOs | 2.4.1 Two training developed with CSOs and new scholars on integrity plans and methodology of monitoring the implementation of integrity plans by the CSO | S II 2023

2.5. Strengthening the role of CSOs in combating corruption and education of the general public for the mechanisms used | 2.5.1 Creation and Establishment of the National Informal CSO network against corruption with the participation of at least 50 CSOs at national level; 2.5.2 Providing an interactive digital platform for CSOs Anti-Corruption Network; 2.5.3 Various corruption information (legal information, reports, statistics, corruption reporting, awareness and information materials, etc.) to be included in the platform, prepared | S II 2024; S II 2024; S II 2024

3. Education and awareness of public administration on the legal and regulatory framework for anti - corruption and anti - corruption mechanisms in the public sector

3.1. Engagement of ToTs with representatives of public institutions to carry out the risk assessment of integrity in public institutions. | 3.1.1 Representatives of public institutions trained to carry out the risk of integrity in public institutions and the drafting of PI | S II 2023

3.2 Increasing and increasing the technical and professional capacities of CRI, MoHSP and the Assembly of the Republic of Albania for the Module "Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration -Plains of Integrity" | 3.2.1 Commissioner for the Right to Information (CRI) staff has been trained in the module "Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration- Integrity Plans"; 3.2.2 The staff of MoHSP has been trained for the module "Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration - Integrity Plans"; 3.2.5 The staff of the Assembly of the Republic has been trained for the module "Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration - Integrity Plans" | S II 2023

3.3 Monitoring mechanisms of integrity instruments in public institutions with CSOs and the media | 3.3.1 Round table with the involvement of all interest groups on the findings of the 5 monitoring reports of the integrity plans HCP, MoHSP, labor inspectorate, CRI and the administration of the Assembly by CSOs | S I 2024

3.4 Research mechanisms and instruments (legal, policy and field research for administrative investigation of corruption) developed and accepted | 3.4.1 Analysis of the legal framework, policy and field practices for the administrative investigation of corruption, carried out; 3.4.2 Manual for the successful techniques of the administrative investigation of corruption in the public administration, drawn up and submitted to the NCAC | S II 2023; S II 2023 – S I 2024

3.5 Creation of a methodological tool to periodically measure public perception of corruption and the effectiveness of anti- corruption mechanisms | 3.5.1 Methodology for measuring citizen/public perception designed and submitted toMoJ/NCAC | S II 2023

3.6 Strengthening the capacities of the GPA and the Network of AC Coordinators on the administrative investigation of corruption cases | 3.6.1 Organized trainings with the coordinators of the Anticorruption Network and the staff of the General Anticorruption Directorate, bringing the theory into practice on the implementation of the Manual | S II 2024

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 1. Awareness and education of the general public on mechanism in the fight against corruption

  • Verifiable: Yes
  • Does it have an open government lens? Yes
  • Potential for results: Modest

  • Commitments

    Open Government Partnership